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MPP Hudak Presses Government for Answers on WLMH

Niagara West – Glanbrook MPP submits questions to get detailed information on hospital

  • 2 March 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4135
MPP Hudak Presses Government for Answers on WLMH
Is the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital rebuild part of the province’s five-year plan and if not, why not? It’s a question MPP Tim Hudak wants answers to, and he’s doing all he can to get those answers.

Hudak recently filed a series of Order Paper Questions with the Clerk in the Ontario Legislature asking the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care if the rebuild of West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH) is on the Five Year Rolling Capital Plan, and if so, the scheduled timing of the project.

“Order Paper Questions are another tool to keep pressure on the Provincial Government regarding key local issues,” says Hudak. “I’m using every tool at my disposal to keep the pressure up and get the detailed answers my constituents deserve.”

“This community kept up their end of the promise by raising $14 million for a hospital rebuild and we’ve waited long enough for answers and action from this government," said Hudak.

The question comes as Hamilton Health Sciences prepares to release its report on its Our Healthy Future community engagement plan. Hudak says whatever the plan for service delivery at WLMH, the community deserves a new hospital building just as the government promised more than a decade ago.

Hudak has a meeting scheduled with HHS leadership this week to discuss the hospital's future.

Members of Provincial Parliament are able to submit up to 10 questions to the government via the Order Papers. Once approved by the Clerk, the questions are filed on the order paper for the following day and responses should be given 24 days after the questions are filed.

They differ from daily Question Period because answers must be given in writing, and the process allows MPPs to dig deeper for more details.

Hudak should have answers to his Order Paper Questions by the end of March.
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Meet Tim Hudak

Former MPP Tim Hudak had been in politics for 20 years and truly saw his role as an MPP as a way to help and support his riding of Niagara West – Glanbrook.

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