Tim's Services

  • High Impact Advocacy and Leadership Consulting

    With almost 30 years of experience in association executive management and politics, Tim has succeeded in some of Ontario’s most demanding environments – and has the scars and wins to show for it. A fearless leader, he will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear to help you get the job done.

  • On Your Stage

    From sharing the stage with world leaders, to delivering a speech on high impact advocacy, leading Question Period, or capturing listeners with his own radio show, Tim is an engaging and effective communicator. With almost thirty years on the stage, he easily connects with people, gives straight talk and asks the tough questions.

    Two men in suits sitting on stage, having a conversation
  • Leadership Councils

    At every stage of his career, Tim learned the most from trusted peers. Tim’s exclusive Leadership Councils will help you excel as a leader by honing your skills and learning best practises among a trusted group of peers.